Thursday, June 01, 2006

MicroControllers & PIC

Sometime back I started to refresh my knowladge on Microcontrollers. In undergraduate age I had only learned
What is a micro controller?
But haven't had a chance to use one. Once I found an ATMEL 80C51 but did not have a programmer to program it. After several attempts I gave it up. Anyway that age is gone.

Some time back I heard that PIC microcontrollers by MicroChip are the microcontrollers to go for today's designs. I asked people,
Why should we go for PIC? What is special about PIC?>

Today I found the answers myself. PIC are,
1. Available in local market.
2. Best features for price (Flash program memory, RAM, Other advanced features too)
3. Maximum support and help available in the internet.

I made the well known JDM serial programmer and used ICProg to program PIC 16F84 :) . Used Hitech PICC Lite C compiler with Microchip IDE to write and compile the "C" program. Cool.. after 2-3 hours I became familiar with everything and circuit(s) worked without any problem.

Experience and Fun well worth the time and money spent..

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