It's a great achievement of Sri Lankans to complete the construction of this bridge as planned. This is the one and only achievement I felt in my life to be "Proud to be a Sri Lankan". Even if the technology and material are not ours we deserve the achievement in terms of project management adhering to the schedule.
We need more and more of the same kind of achievements from Sri Lankans in the near future to build self confidence of our capabilities.
It is a known fact that we had lots of such achievements in our history before imperial age. We had our own technology and applications as well. We have forgotton that we born with the same genes of our fore fathers. The reason is that we lack of confident of our capabilities.
I believe the relative interlectual level of Sri Lankans is very high. This fact is proved by the continuous brain distribution(I dont want to call brain drain) to new colonies from Sri Lanka. We produce ample number of superior brains with genes of our fore fathers and by giving knowladge with free education. Let it happen continuously till we have systems to utilize those brains in our country itself.
I suggest the goverment should take measures to do more greater achievements in the future. I can give few examples.
1. Build our own helicopter or airplane
2. Build and launch our own communication satellite.
3. Build our own submarine
An economist would think this a stupid idea. But I would ask them this questions.
1. Did the America conquer the moon just because it is economically advantageous? If not what did they achieve?.
2. What other things we should do if we are to re-gain self confidence of capability of our genes?.